I am just getting to know a little about Dumaguete's role in WW II. It was the scene for the U.S Invasion of Southern Negros at the end of the second world war. Occupied by the Japanese on May 26,1942, it was liberated by U.S. forces assisted by Filipino Militia April 26, 1945. If you travel casually around the city of Dumaguete today most likely you won't see much remaining evidence of the conflict. However, if you know where to look, there are some interesting historical structures and locations to see. The first one I found was smack in the middle of Town, just north of Silliman University.

This defensive position, or "pill box" is located about four blocks inland from Looc, sight of the landing of one contingent of U.S. forces here. The Landing sight itself is now occupied by the Dumaguete port and pier. If you want to find the pill box, travel North through Silliman University on Airport Road, i is located in Piapi Barangay on the right hand side of the street.
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